Hey this is Pavan, Experiences either good or bad define and shape who you are. I had many in 2019. To begin with, leaving Nelson and Cincinnati for Philadelphia, First Job in US, Trips to Poconos, Shenandoah and random outings with friends to Philly downtown, Round One, Barnabys, New Jersey, New York. Not to forget the difficulties of leaving and independent life for an extended period and not to rely emotionally on anyone. This was my 2019. Many of my goals are still in the budding phase and hope to have an exceptional 2020. I don't foresee significant changes till May this year but I truly wish to realize my potential. 2019 was amazing, I must admit here that I haven't met my 2019 goals. 1) Learn to Swim (Had an Opportunity at Waterview but didn't utilize) 2) Learn Guitar (Have to buy Guitar but didn't commit because I have a history of buying things and not be able to find time to use the equipment) 3) Work Out (Once in a week is the average but I wish it ...
Remembering those simple little things in life