Hey Pavan once again, All along, I am not at all the one who shies away to initiate a conversation or talk to a stranger. I can speak quite freely and express my thoughts openly but for the past few days I realize how bad I am at expressing what I wanted to. I thought I am thinking too much and approached directly for a coffee conversation. Since, I haven't planned on anything and wanted to clear the confusion, meeting ended in no time. Now I can say, I am done conveying the message and don't bother about the result but that's not how relations are built, they have to be nurtured. Initial few discussions will be difficult and once you become friends, things will not be this difficult. I have all the time and I am not giving up, but also I don't want to influence/force either because ultimately what I wish is her to be happy with whatever choice. Anyway, for now there will not be further discussions on the topic but I am not yet done. I started going to gym and d...
Remembering those simple little things in life