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Showing posts from September, 2017

Simple changes over time can change everything

It's just another Sunday in this year and I have nothing specific in mind to write this post. Yesterday, I was trying to record VLOG but unable to save the video twice in my two attempts and wasted more than 40 minutes. Over a period of time, it became a habit for me to pen the thoughts and things happening in life and I wonder if I ever will look back at all the things I wrote and spoke in the future and if I ever look back, I may feel nostalgic of how time passed through the years and probably remember things I was doing at the time of recording this stuff. I clearly remember when my metabolism was too high during my 24 and Now I am 26 and I can see the changes. Probably this is part of natural evolution not just about me. If I think about deteriorating health and life, I still remember how good my grand parent's health was and in no time things change and eventually perish. I don't even need to go even that far in chain, I can say that in last 3 years, dad's Thy...