Very long time ago, I have stopped thinking about the journey that life is leading me into but now because of the way things are I reminiscent things that happened to me in the last 4 years, a time since I began my career in professional life. Many professionals who I consider as friends left the organization for various reasons yet I never felt a slightest of pain but these small things impacted the circle of people who I naturally hangout with during office times. The time has come were the group will have only one person and that would be me. This is the painful truth of being in a professional life, it is not difficult to make new friends but it is difficult to digest the fact that you miss the presence of your best friends, friends who know you very well. Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different...” This is how Life builds your past, things that you want to remember and things you do not want to forget will go ...
Remembering those simple little things in life